TCM Acupuncture
In Traditional Chinese Medicine we use various forms of acupuncture. For example, there is scalp acupuncture to treat neurological conditions such as stroke, there is dermatology needling to treat fine lines and wrinkles, there is auricular (ear) acupuncture to treat addictions. Moreover, the position, depth and handling of the needles is taking into consideration. Medically speaking, acupuncture is the insertion of disposable, one-time use, needles. There are several versions of needles, such as: thumbtack, seven star, plum blossom, three-edged, filiform. Needless can also be used with electrical stimulation.
TCM Acupuncture can be applied for prevention purposes (general wellness) or during the illness process (e.g., common cold) and also for recovery (e.g., sports).
TCM Acupuncture views a person from a holistic perspective, meaning the root and branch of the health condition is assessed and treated.
Conditions Acupuncture Can Treat
Examples include: Acid Reflux. Acne. Addictions (alcohol, smoking). Allergies. Alopecia. Amenorrhea. Anorexia. Anxiety. Abdominal Pain. Atrophy-Flaccidity. Asthma. Boil. Breastmilk (insufficient). Cancer Symptoms. Chest Impediment. Common Cold. Constipation. Cough. Depression. Diabetes. Diarrhea. Dysentery. Dyspnea. Dysmenorrhea. Earaches. Eczema. Edema. Epigastric Pain. Enuresis. Erysipelas. Facial Pain/Paralysis. Fatigue. Food Retension. Goiter. Headache. Hemorrhoids. Impotence. Indigestion. Infertility. Insomnia. Jaundice. Leukorrhagia. Lumbago. Measles. Mumps. Mania. Mastitis. Menstruation. Morning Sickness. Neck Sprain/Pain. Palpation. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease. Phlegm. Pre-Menstraul Syndrome (PMS). Pulmonary Tuberculosis. Night Sweats. Sinus Infection. Sore Throat. Stress. Stroke. Tinnitus. Toothache. Urinary Issues. Uterine Prolapse. Vertigo. Vomiting. Weight. Whooping Cough.
In addition to the above conditions that can be classified under either internal medicine, external medicine, pediatrics, obstetrics & gynecology, Acupuncture can also help conditions that fall under orthopedics & traumatology, such as: Achilles Tendon Injury. Bone Fracture. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Cervical Spondylosis. Frozen Shoulder. Joint Dislocation. Lumber Muscle Strain/Sprain. Meniscal Injury. Prolapse of Lumber Intervertebral Disc. Sprained Ankle. Strained Neck. Tennis Elbow.
How Does Acupuncture Work?
Modern scientific research, through organizations such as the National Institute of Health (NIH), shows that Chinese Acupuncture accesses the nervous system, initiating a chain of electrical events in the body. The body communicates through electrical impulses. Acupuncturists can stimulate points along the meridians (“highways” of “Qi” in the body) and this stimulation helps to clear the road and open up the lines of communication, restoring balance to the flow of Qi (energy). Thus, Acupuncture helps to increase communication from the nerves to the brain, and from the brain to the organs and tissues of the body. Another function of Acupuncture is to increase circulation of blood flow in the body. Why is this important? Blood brings oxygen to tissues as well as white blood cells which help heal damaged areas of the body.
Book Your Acupuncture Treatment
Marconi Acupuncture Clinic offers direct online booking for its services. Simply click the link below:Link:
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Please note: Our Cancellation Policy requires at least 48 hours notice from patients to avoid a charge for a booked reservation. Thank you for understanding.
Our clinic phone number: (905) 338-3259
Clinic address: 118 Thomas Street, 2nd Floor, Oakville, ON